
Welcome to the MEDIATION project

The MEDIATION Project is an initiative focused on the application of advanced mathematical modeling and high-performance computing to study marine ecosystems in the context of global change. Our core objective is to provide valuable insights for informed environmental policies and decision-making. With a multidisciplinary research team, we address critical questions related to the impact of multi-stressors, including climate change and overfishing, on our oceans and the assessment of environmental conservation measures.

Our Approach:

  • Realistic Scenarios: We collaborate with stakeholders to develop scenarios that inform decision-makers and public policies, leveraging advanced mathematical models.
  • Precise Modeling: We employ sophisticated mathematical techniques to determine the optimal level of model complexity for assessing ecosystem responses.
  • Uncertainty Quantification: We enhance model reliability by applying advanced mathematical methods to quantify uncertainty.

Discover how our mathematical expertise and high-performance computing contribute to a better understanding of marine ecosystems and their future.

Join us in our pursuit of a sustainable future for marine ecosystems, supported by advanced mathematical modeling and computational science.

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