The MEDIATION project is a collaborative effort involving 11 partners, comprising renowned research institutions and universities. We work at the nexus of various academic disciplines, including applied mathematics, high-performance computing, environmental sciences, and marine biology. Our primary goal is to contribute to a deeper understanding of climate change’s intricate impacts on our oceans and marine ecosystems. Through the use of advanced mathematical modeling, cutting-edge high-performance computing, and a comprehensive grasp of marine ecosystems, our project actively engages in ongoing efforts to enhance ocean and climate science. We strive to make valuable contributions to these fields and foster innovative interdisciplinary research, all aimed at promoting a sustainable future for our oceans and the planet’s climate.

Aix Marseille University


Grenoble Alpes University


IMT Atlantique

INP Toulouse

- AIRSEA: Mathematics and computing applied to oceanic and atmospheric flows
- DATAMOVE: Data Aware Large Scale Computing
- ODYSSEY: Ocean DYnamicS obSErvation analYsis
Keywords: Numerical methods, HPC/HPDA, Uncertainties, Stochastic Modeling


Météo France